Add New Reminder / AddNewReminder (internally is.workflow.actions.addnewreminder)

This action requires that Shortcuts has permission to use WFReminderAccessResource.



Creates a new reminder and adds it to the selected list of reminders.


The new reminder


AddNewReminder title="string" list=("string" | variable)] remindMe=(true | false) remind=("At Time" | "At Location") whenI=("Enter" | "Leave") radius=number ofLocation="string" alertTime="string" notes="string"


title: Text (Docs)

Placeholder: "Buy some milk" Allows Variables: true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Does not allow newlines.

list: Calendar Picker (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

	Accepts a string or variable containing the option. Check the shortcuts app for a list of available options. 

remindMe: Expand Arrow (Docs)

Accepts a boolean for if this parameter is expanded or not. Often expanding fields will enable or disable other arguments. If you are using labels, these can be ignored.

remind: Enumeration (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument WFCalendarItemAlert == true

Accepts a string or variable containing one of the options:

  • At Time
  • At Location

whenI: Enumeration (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument WFCalendarItemAlert == true

Only enabled if: argument WFAlertTrigger == At Location

Accepts a string or variable containing one of the options:

  • Enter
  • Leave

radius: Number (Docs)

Placeholder: in meters Default Value: 300 Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument WFCalendarItemAlert == true

Only enabled if: argument WFAlertTrigger == At Location

	Accepts a number 
	or variable
	with a number.

ofLocation: Location (Docs)

Placeholder: "One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA" Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument WFCalendarItemAlert == true

Only enabled if: argument WFAlertTrigger == At Location

Accepts a string or text with the text. Does not allow newlines.

alertTime: Date (Docs)

Placeholder: "Tomorrow at 4pm" Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument WFCalendarItemAlert == true

Only enabled if: argument WFAlertTrigger == At Time

Accepts a string or text with the text. Does not allow newlines.

notes: Text (Docs)

Placeholder: "Notes" Allows Variables: true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Allows newlines.

source json (for developers)

	"ActionClass": "WFAddNewReminderAction",
	"ActionKeywords": [
	"AppIdentifier": "",
	"Category": "Calendar",
	"CreationDate": "2015-01-11T06:00:00.000Z",
	"Description": {
		"DescriptionResult": "The new reminder",
		"DescriptionSummary": "Creates a new reminder and adds it to the selected list of reminders."
	"InputPassthrough": false,
	"Name": "Add New Reminder",
	"Output": {
		"Multiple": false,
		"OutputName": "New Reminder",
		"Types": [
	"Parameters": [
			"Class": "WFTextInputParameter",
			"Description": "The title of this reminder.",
			"Key": "WFCalendarItemTitle",
			"Label": "Title",
			"Placeholder": "Buy some milk",
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFCalendarPickerParameter",
			"Description": "The list of reminders to add this reminder to.",
			"EventKitEntityType": "Reminder",
			"Key": "WFCalendarItemCalendar",
			"Label": "List"
			"Class": "WFExpandingParameter",
			"Description": "Optionally, where or when to show an alert to notify me of this reminder.",
			"Key": "WFCalendarItemAlert",
			"Label": "Remind Me"
			"Class": "WFEnumerationParameter",
			"Items": [
				"At Time",
				"At Location"
			"Key": "WFAlertTrigger",
			"Label": "Remind",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "WFCalendarItemAlert",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"Class": "WFEnumerationParameter",
			"Items": [
			"Key": "WFAlertLocationProximity",
			"Label": "When I...",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "WFCalendarItemAlert",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
					"WFParameterKey": "WFAlertTrigger",
					"WFParameterValue": "At Location",
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"AllowsDecimalNumbers": true,
			"Class": "WFNumberFieldParameter",
			"DefaultValue": 300,
			"Description": "The distance (in meters) from the provided location to consider “entering” or “leaving” the location.",
			"Key": "WFAlertLocationRadius",
			"Label": "Radius",
			"Placeholder": "in meters",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "WFCalendarItemAlert",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
					"WFParameterKey": "WFAlertTrigger",
					"WFParameterValue": "At Location",
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFLocationFieldParameter",
			"Description": "Text representing the address or coordinates of the location that triggers the alert.",
			"HintDisplayMode": "WhileProcessing",
			"Key": "WFAlertLocation",
			"Label": "Of Location",
			"Placeholder": "One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "WFCalendarItemAlert",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
					"WFParameterKey": "WFAlertTrigger",
					"WFParameterValue": "At Location",
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFDateFieldParameter",
			"Description": "Text representing the date when the alert should occur. Examples: “tonight at 7”, “March 7”",
			"HintDisplayMode": "WhileProcessing",
			"Key": "WFAlertCustomTime",
			"Label": "Alert Time",
			"Placeholder": "Tomorrow at 4pm",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "WFCalendarItemAlert",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
					"WFParameterKey": "WFAlertTrigger",
					"WFParameterValue": "At Time",
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFTextInputParameter",
			"Description": "Optionally, a description for this reminder.",
			"Key": "WFCalendarItemNotes",
			"Label": "Notes",
			"Multiline": true,
			"Placeholder": "Notes"
	"RequiredResources": [
	"ShortName": "Add Reminder",
	"Subcategory": "Reminders"