Add to Pinboard / AddtoPinboard (internally is.workflow.actions.pinboard.add)

This action requires that Shortcuts has permission to use WFPinboardAccessResource.



Adds the URL passed into the action to your Pinboard.


AddtoPinboard title="string" tags="string" public=(true | false | variable) unread=(true | false | variable) description="string"


title: Text (Docs)

Placeholder: "optional" Allows Variables: true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Does not allow newlines.

tags: Text (Docs)

Placeholder: "apple longread" Allows Variables: true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Does not allow newlines.

public: Switch (Docs)

Default Value: true Allows Variables: true

Accepts a boolean or a variable.

unread: Switch (Docs)

Default Value: true Allows Variables: true

Accepts a boolean or a variable.

description: Text (Docs)

Placeholder: "Description" Allows Variables: true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Allows newlines.

source json (for developers)

	"ActionClass": "WFPinboardAddAction",
	"ActionKeywords": [
	"AppSection": "Pinboard",
	"Category": "Web",
	"CreationDate": "2015-01-11T06:00:00.000Z",
	"Description": {
		"DescriptionSummary": "Adds the URL passed into the action to your Pinboard."
	"IconName": "Pinboard.png",
	"Input": {
		"Multiple": false,
		"Required": true,
		"Types": [
	"InputPassthrough": true,
	"Name": "Add to Pinboard",
	"Parameters": [
			"AutocapitalizationType": "Words",
			"Class": "WFTextInputParameter",
			"Key": "WFPinTitle",
			"Label": "Title",
			"Placeholder": "optional"
			"AutocapitalizationType": "None",
			"Class": "WFTextInputParameter",
			"Key": "WFPinTags",
			"Label": "Tags",
			"Placeholder": "apple longread"
			"Class": "WFSwitchParameter",
			"DefaultValue": true,
			"Key": "WFPinPublic",
			"Label": "Public"
			"Class": "WFSwitchParameter",
			"DefaultValue": true,
			"Key": "WFPinUnread",
			"Label": "Unread"
			"Class": "WFTextInputParameter",
			"Key": "WFPinDescription",
			"Label": "Description",
			"Multiline": true,
			"Placeholder": "Description"
	"RequiredResources": [