Get Instapaper Bookmarks / GetInstapaperBookmarks (internally is.workflow.actions.instapaper.get)

This action requires that Shortcuts has permission to use WFInstapaperAccessResource.



Gets the contents of a folder in Instapaper. Requires Instapaper Premium.


GetInstapaperBookmarks folder=("string" | variable)] WFBookmarkCount=number


folder: Picker (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

	Accepts a string or variable containing the option. Check the shortcuts app for a list of available options. 

WFBookmarkCount: Stepper Number (Docs)

Default Value: 5 Allows Variables: true

	Accepts a number 
	or variable
	with a number.

source json (for developers)

	"ActionClass": "WFInstapaperGetAction",
	"AppIdentifier": "com.marcoarment.instapaperpro",
	"Category": "Web",
	"CreationDate": "2015-04-23T05:00:00.000Z",
	"Description": {
		"DescriptionSummary": "Gets the contents of a folder in Instapaper. Requires Instapaper Premium."
	"Name": "Get Instapaper Bookmarks",
	"Output": {
		"Multiple": true,
		"OutputName": "Instapaper Bookmarks",
		"Types": [
	"Parameters": [
			"AlwaysShowsButton": true,
			"Class": "WFDynamicEnumerationParameter",
			"Description": "The folder to get bookmarks from. Leaving this empty will get items from Instapaper's Home folder.",
			"Key": "WFInstapaperFolder",
			"Label": "Folder",
			"NoneLabel": "None"
			"Class": "WFStepperParameter",
			"DefaultValue": 5,
			"Key": "WFBookmarkCount",
			"StepperDescription": "Number of Bookmarks",
			"StepperNoun": "Bookmark",
			"StepperPluralNoun": "Bookmarks",
			"StepperPrefix": "Get"
	"RequiredResources": [
	"ShortName": "Get Bookmarks"