Measurement / Measurement (internally is.workflow.actions.measurement.create)

This action is not yet complete. Some arguments may be missing.



Passes the specified measurement (including number and unit) to the next action.


Measurement type=("string" | variable)] undefined=NotImplemented


type: Unit Type Picker (Docs)

Default Value: Length Allows Variables: true

	Accepts a string or variable containing the option. Check the shortcuts app for a list of available options. 

This parameter is not implemented yet.

The parameter type is WFUnitPickerParameter. If you need to use this parameter, you may be able to use a raw value. Try converting a .shortcut to a .scpl containing the values you want in this parameter.

source json (for developers)

	"ActionClass": "WFMeasurementCreateAction",
	"ActionKeywords": [
	"Category": "Scripting",
	"CreationDate": "2018-09-22T05:00:00.000Z",
	"Description": {
		"DescriptionSummary": "Passes the specified measurement (including number and unit) to the next action."
	"IconName": "Calculator.png",
	"InputPassthrough": false,
	"Name": "Measurement",
	"Output": {
		"Multiple": false,
		"OutputName": "Measurement",
		"Types": [
	"Parameters": [
			"Class": "WFUnitTypePickerParameter",
			"DefaultValue": "Length",
			"DisallowedVariableTypes": [
			"Key": "WFMeasurementUnitType",
			"Label": "Type"
			"Class": "WFUnitPickerParameter",
			"Key": "WFMeasurementUnit",
			"KeyboardType": "DecimalPad",
			"Label": "Value",
			"Placeholder": "10",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "WFMeasurementUnitType",
					"WFParameterRelation": "??",
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
	"Subcategory": "Math"