Post to WordPress / PosttoWordPress (internally

This action is not yet complete. Some arguments may be missing.

This action requires that Shortcuts has permission to use [object Object].



Posts the input to a WordPress blog as a new post or page.


The URL of the new blog post


PosttoWordPress account=("string" | variable)] blog=("string" | variable)] title="string" type=("string" | variable)] format=("string" | variable)] status=("string" | variable)] undefined=NotImplemented undefined=NotImplemented advanced=(true | false) allowComments=(true | false | variable) slug="string" excerpt="string" publishDate="string" template=("string" | variable)] featuredImage=(v:myvar | mv:myvar | s:myvar) customFields=(true | false) customFields2={dictionary}


account: Account Picker (Docs)

	Accepts a string or variable containing the option. Check the shortcuts app for a list of available options. 

blog: Picker (Docs)

	Accepts a string or variable containing the option. Check the shortcuts app for a list of available options. 

title: Text (Docs)

Placeholder: "Quarterly Results" Allows Variables: true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Does not allow newlines.

type: Picker (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

	Accepts a string or variable containing the option. Check the shortcuts app for a list of available options. 

format: Picker (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

	Accepts a string or variable containing the option. Check the shortcuts app for a list of available options. 

status: Picker (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

	Accepts a string or variable containing the option. Check the shortcuts app for a list of available options. 

This parameter is not implemented yet.

The parameter type is WFDynamicTagFieldParameter. If you need to use this parameter, you may be able to use a raw value. Try converting a .shortcut to a .scpl containing the values you want in this parameter.

This parameter is not implemented yet.

The parameter type is WFDynamicTagFieldParameter. If you need to use this parameter, you may be able to use a raw value. Try converting a .shortcut to a .scpl containing the values you want in this parameter.

advanced: Expand Arrow (Docs)

Accepts a boolean for if this parameter is expanded or not. Often expanding fields will enable or disable other arguments. If you are using labels, these can be ignored.

allowComments: Switch (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument Advanced == true

Accepts a boolean or a variable.

slug: Text (Docs)

Placeholder: "quarterly-results" Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument Advanced == true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Does not allow newlines.

excerpt: Text (Docs)

Placeholder: "An overall great quarter" Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument Advanced == true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Does not allow newlines.

publishDate: Date (Docs)

Placeholder: "optional" Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument Advanced == true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Does not allow newlines.

template: Picker (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument Advanced == true

	Accepts a string or variable containing the option. Check the shortcuts app for a list of available options. 

featuredImage: Variable Picker (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument Advanced == true

Accepts a variable.

customFields: Expand Arrow (Docs)

Only enabled if: argument Advanced == true

Accepts a boolean for if this parameter is expanded or not. Often expanding fields will enable or disable other arguments. If you are using labels, these can be ignored.

customFields2: Dictionary (Docs)

Allows Variables: true

Only enabled if: argument Advanced == true

Only enabled if: argument ShowCustomFields == true

Accepts a dictionary.

source json (for developers)

	"ActionClass": "WFWordPressPostAction",
	"AppIdentifier": "org.wordpress",
	"Category": "Sharing",
	"CreationDate": "2015-11-24T06:00:00.000Z",
	"Description": {
		"DescriptionResult": "The URL of the new blog post",
		"DescriptionSummary": "Posts the input to a WordPress blog as a new post or page."
	"Input": {
		"Multiple": true,
		"Required": true,
		"Types": [
	"LastModifiedDate": "2016-03-08T06:00:00.000Z",
	"Name": "Post to WordPress",
	"Output": {
		"Multiple": false,
		"OutputName": "WordPress Post URL",
		"Types": [
	"Parameters": [
			"AccountClass": "WFWordPressAccount",
			"Class": "WFAccountPickerParameter",
			"DisallowedVariableTypes": [
			"Key": "WFAccount",
			"Label": "Account"
			"Class": "WFDynamicEnumerationParameter",
			"DisallowedVariableTypes": [
			"Key": "Blog",
			"Label": "Blog"
			"Class": "WFTextInputParameter",
			"Key": "Title",
			"Label": "Title",
			"Placeholder": "Quarterly Results",
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFDynamicEnumerationParameter",
			"Key": "Type",
			"Label": "Type"
			"Class": "WFDynamicEnumerationParameter",
			"Key": "Format",
			"Label": "Format"
			"Class": "WFDynamicEnumerationParameter",
			"Key": "Status",
			"Label": "Status"
			"Class": "WFDynamicTagFieldParameter",
			"Key": "Categories",
			"Label": "Categories",
			"Placeholder": "Finance, News",
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFDynamicTagFieldParameter",
			"Key": "Tags",
			"Label": "Tags",
			"Placeholder": "stock market, trends",
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFExpandingParameter",
			"Key": "Advanced",
			"Label": "Advanced"
			"Class": "WFSwitchParameter",
			"Key": "AllowComments",
			"Label": "Allow Comments",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "Advanced",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"Class": "WFTextInputParameter",
			"Key": "Slug",
			"Label": "Slug",
			"Placeholder": "quarterly-results",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "Advanced",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFTextInputParameter",
			"Key": "Excerpt",
			"Label": "Excerpt",
			"Placeholder": "An overall great quarter",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "Advanced",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFDateFieldParameter",
			"Key": "Date",
			"Label": "Publish Date",
			"Placeholder": "optional",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "Advanced",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"TextAlignment": "Right"
			"Class": "WFDynamicEnumerationParameter",
			"Key": "Template",
			"Label": "Template",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "Advanced",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"Class": "WFVariablePickerParameter",
			"Key": "ThumbnailImage",
			"Label": "Featured Image",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "Advanced",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"Class": "WFExpandingParameter",
			"Key": "ShowCustomFields",
			"Label": "Custom Fields",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "Advanced",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
			"Class": "WFDictionaryParameter",
			"Key": "CustomFields",
			"Label": "Custom Fields",
			"RequiredResources": [
					"WFParameterKey": "Advanced",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
					"WFParameterKey": "ShowCustomFields",
					"WFParameterValue": true,
					"WFResourceClass": "WFParameterRelationResource"
	"RequiredResources": [
			"WFAccountClass": "WFWordPressAccount",
			"WFResourceClass": "WFAccountAccessResource"