Run JavaScript on Webpage / RunJavaScriptonWebpage (internally is.workflow.actions.runjavascriptonwebpage)

This action requires that Shortcuts has permission to use [object Object].



Runs JavaScript on a Safari webpage passed in as input


Safari Webpage items are only available when running your shortcut as an Action Extension in Safari.


Safari webpages


The output from the JavaScript (JSON)


RunJavaScriptonWebpage "string"


javaScript: Text (Docs)

Placeholder: "JavaScript" Default Value: `“var result = []; // Get all links from the page var elements = document.querySelectorAll(“a”); for (let element of elements) { result.push({ “url”: element.href, “text”: element.innerText }); }

// Call completion to finish completion(result);”` Allows Variables: true

Accepts a string or text with the text. Allows newlines.

source json (for developers)

	"ActionClass": "WFRunJavaScriptOnWebPageAction",
	"ActionKeywords": [
	"AppIdentifier": "",
	"Category": "Web",
	"Description": {
		"DescriptionInput": "Safari webpages",
		"DescriptionNote": "Safari Webpage items are only available when running your shortcut as an Action Extension in Safari.",
		"DescriptionResult": "The output from the JavaScript (JSON)",
		"DescriptionSummary": "Runs JavaScript on a Safari webpage passed in as input"
	"Input": {
		"Multiple": false,
		"Required": true,
		"Types": [
	"InputPassthrough": false,
	"LastModifiedDate": "2015-01-11T06:00:00.000Z",
	"Name": "Run JavaScript on Webpage",
	"Output": {
		"Multiple": false,
		"OutputName": "JavaScript Result",
		"Types": [
	"Parameters": [
			"AutocapitalizationType": "None",
			"Class": "WFTextInputParameter",
			"DefaultValue": "var result = [];\n// Get all links from the page\nvar elements = document.querySelectorAll(\"a\");\nfor (let element of elements) {\n\tresult.push({\n\t\t\"url\": element.href,\n\t\t\"text\": element.innerText\n\t});\n}\n\n// Call completion to finish\ncompletion(result);",
			"DisableAutocorrection": true,
			"DisableSmartDashes": true,
			"DisableSmartQuotes": true,
			"Key": "WFJavaScript",
			"Label": "JavaScript",
			"Multiline": true,
			"Placeholder": "JavaScript",
			"SyntaxHighlightingType": "JavaScript"
	"RequiredResources": [
			"WFDeviceAttributes": {
				"WFDeviceAttributeSystemVersion": {
					"WFSystemVersion": "12",
					"WFSystemVersionRelation": ">="
			"WFResourceClass": "WFDeviceAttributesResource"
	"ShortName": "Run JavaScript",
	"Subcategory": "Safari",
	"SuggestedNever": true